Processes – The majority are not the norm

15.06.21 08:29 PM

Processes – The majority are not the norm.

An environment seldom accommodates different abilities!  It tolerates Different Abilities and then it thinks this is enough!  Different abilities should be a normal part of our society, but we often ignore this reality when it is inconvenient.  Why is it inconvenient?  Is it because we are obsessed with productivity, an abled bodied perception of productivity?  We think that one definition of productivity is the only way of being productive, maybe because we did not have the opportunity to experience anything else?

Workplaces are often designed just for a part of society and the rest are excluded.  The reality is that everybody is dependent on an income, and PwD are also dependent on an opportunity to make a living.  PwD also have dependents!

The reality is that many processes are designed for the mainstream. Often PwD can contribute but we exclude them from opportunities because the environment does not allow for different abilities.  The design of the environment becomes the reason for exclusion, as-if this cannot be changed!  The perception is that it is unnecessary to provide processes for people that can not make an economic contribution.  The reality is that they could contribute if they are included!

There is a probability that anybody can become a PwD.  If your opinion was that disability means non-ability you will view yourself as not able.  Learning to cope with this new reality is made much more difficult if this is your view!  You see yourself as the victim instead of somebody that can learn a new ability and make an economic contribution.


Different Abilities